The MagkaSama Project
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Whether it is by supporting a local organization, donating time and/or money, signing a petition, joining a rally or taking to the streets; you can take action in many ways, and you have the ability to change the world around you. You can make a difference!

Our motto is to put our money where our mouth is as often as we can, and to do something rather than just talk about it. So we either organize our own events or we support our partners' campaigns and petitions. We also join the crowd when needed.

Below are recent actions and events we organized and/or supported. We hope you will be positively inspired to join us and take action!

“60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary” Initiative

Founder of the MagkaSama Project, Max Dana has always been a staunch supporter of Human Rights. In 2008, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights turned 60 years old and to celebrate this event, Max created an artwork to be signed by 60 people from around the world.

60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary Initiative by Max Dana
Max Dana wanted to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 2008, and launched the "60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary" Initiative to support the Every Human Has Rights Campaign by The Elders / CIVICUS. For several months, Max met with sixty people from the most important organizations in the world: Amnesty International, UNICEF, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, FIDH, Reporters without Borders, OMCT, UNESCO,... With volunteers and individuals supporting organizations, as well as committed people (activists, doctors, human rights lawyers...). She also met with the winners of the Internews Every Human Has Rights Media Awards. They all enthusiastically supported Max's initiative and signed the original artwork she created to honor the UDHR... MORE ABOUT THE INITIATIVE

Awareness Raising, Campaigns and Petitions

We organize communication activities, develop, execute and support campaigns which aim to create awareness on topics such as Human Rights, environment, education, social issues... We contribute to initiatives and petitions to affect positive, equitable and sustainable change.

The MagkaSama Project has been advocating for action on environmental issues for more than a decade. In 2015, we covered the COP21 by taking action and joining demonstrations in Paris. You can read more about what we did in this news: COP21 in Paris: Get mobilized for climate! People worldwide mobilized this weekend under the banner of #RiseforClimate, building up to a mass mobilization planned for hundreds of... READ MORE
Organizations call for a strong monitoring and reporting mandate on Sudan
You can read it every week in our news, the already dire situation in Sudan is getting worse. In a joint letter initiated by the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS), the MagkaSama Project and 31 other organizations have issued a call ahead of the 39th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, addressing the serious human rights and humanitarian situation in Sudan. You read our... READ MORE
Radio Dabanga: 12 days left to support them!
A couple of weeks ago, we sent a Special Newsletter to let you know about the crowdfunding campaign launched by Radio Dabanga in May. We know many of you decided to support them, and there is still time to make a donation (12 days left!) for those who didn’t participate yet. Last week we tweeted a video published by the radio, please watch it: Earlier this month we sent a Newsletter to all our Friends and... READ MORE

Kids Workshops (Sama Kids Day)

Youths are the pillars of social, economic and political developments, and they make up the largest population in history. Children, teenagers face many difficulties during a deeply challenging time of life. Our Kids workshops aim to help them gain self-confidence and develop empathy.

Kids Workshops / Sama Kids Day
Sama Kids Day (also known as Kids Workshop) is a special 'Sama Day' organized by Max Dana. Since 2006, she has been conducting her own kids workshops, bringing children and the arts together to encourage them to explore creativity and emotions through various art forms such as painting, music, photography, arts and crafts, and plays. The primary objective of these workshops is to cultivate global awareness, foster empathy, and promote global citizenship through arts education and discussions.

The workshops focus on topics like (cyber)bullying, poverty, and the environment, aiming to help children cope with these issues and prevent them. The workshops teach children to treat others with respect and compassion. Activities cover a wide range of subjects, enabling children to express and share their feelings, ideas, and opinions while enjoying their time together. It's an inspiring moment that helps them gain perspective for a better understanding of other cultures, promotes positive behavior, and fosters connections within the global community.

Events, Screenings, Panel Discussions

We have arranged (public and private) screenings of films like The Heart of Nuba; The Good Lie; The Man Who Mends Women: The Wrath of Hippocrates; Blood Diamonds; Hotel Rwanda,... After each screening, we invite the audience to further engage with topics covered in the film/documentary.

Le week-end dernier nous avons eu le plaisir d’accueillir une partie de nos Membres parisiens pour une projection du film ‘The Good Lie’, avec le soutien de l’association américaine The Enough Project qui nous a fourni de nombreuses éléments afin d’animer les discussions de la soirée. Si l’événement n’était pas aussi important que celui que nous avons... READ MORE
This week we celebrate Human Rights Week on The MagkaSama Project and it’s the occasion to highlight the work and events by organizations, foundations and partners we support for a long time. We already mentioned ONU Femmes France and Ornage Day, and also Lighting the Way for Human Rights with Human Rights Watch; today we want to highlight a post by Darcy Ataman published on the HuffPost. Dr. Denis... READ MORE
Le film ‘L’homme qui répare les femmes – la colère d’Hippocrate’ sort en France
Sorti l’année dernière aux Pays-Bas, le film de Thierry Michel et Colette Braeckman ‘L’homme qui répare les femmes – la colère d’Hippocrate‘ qui nous présente l’incroyable travail du Docteur Denis Mukwege à l’hopital de Panzi au Congo, est officiellement sorti la semaine dernière en France. Nous avons à cette occasion organisé une soirée spéciale à... READ MORE

Discussion Groups / Live Chat

Our goal is to allow people to learn from each other's experience. Our Discussion and Reading groups provide a great opportunity to connect people together and help them build relationships and a sense of community. Whether it is online or around a table, we enjoy those moments when we can discuss about specific news topics, books and movies we recommend, and have meaningful conversations. It is a great way to interact with each other, through thoughtful and insightful questions and comments.

We also invite guests/experts to our group chat for a Q&A session or interview. For our online rendezvous, we use a Live Chat (Password protected) only accessible during the Discussion/Reading session. Discussion Groups and Book Chats are announced in our Newsletter (you can subscribe here).

More on our previous Online Discussions and Reading Groups.

In 2017, months before the #MeToo movement begun (and later #TimesUp), we watched the short films from the newly launched #ThatsHarassment campaign, written and directed by Israeli-American director Sigal Avin, and produced by David Schwimmer with partner Mazdack Rassi, co-founder of Milk Studios. We immediately were impressed by how realistically they were showing the gray area of sexual harassment, and how well... READ MORE
Documentaries have a very important role and we think they have the power to change the world. They promote greater understanding of the major events and issues of our time, and they can educate ourselves about important issues and change our perspective. We frequently organize online discussions and screenings of documentaries/movies because we consider they are an in-depth and informative resource which are a... READ MORE
On Friday last week, we asked our Members, friends and supporters who are concerned about conflict minerals, to watch The Journey of Gold, a Virtual Reality experience exploring Nyamurhale, an artisanal gold mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). If you visited our dedicated page: En Route to Congo (DRC), you can read the country has the... READ MORE

‘Guantánamo Kid’ : rencontres avec les auteurs et une collecte de fonds
Le mois dernier nous vous avons présenté la bande-dessinée ‘Guantánamo Kid, l’histoire de vraie de Mohammed El-Gorani’ de Jérôme Tubiana, réalisée avec le dessinateur Alexandre Franc avec le soutien d’Amnesty International, et sortie le mois dernier chez Dargaud. Nous vous avions à cette occasion proposé de découvrir une vidéo de l’auteur ainsi qu’une liste des rencontres et... READ MORE
Le livre ‘Un éléphant blanc, ça ne change pas de couleur’ d’Alain Deloche
Si vous êtes abonnés à notre Newsletter, vous savez déjà que le livre d’Alain Deloche, fondateur de l’association La Chaîne de l’Espoir : ‘Un éléphant blanc, ça ne change pas de couleur‘ est désormais disponible chez Michel Lafon. Voici une brève présentation de l’auteur et le résumé de son livre remarquable dont nous vous conseillons la lecture et qui fera... READ MORE
Yesterday we were at Amnesty International France headquarters in Paris to meet with Ensaf Haidar, the wife of jailed Saudi blogger Raif Badawi who was sentenced in 2014 to 10 years behind bars, 1,000 lashes, a 10-year travel ban, and a lifetime ban from appearing in the media. Rejoignez-nous ce soir / Join us tonight at @AmnestyFrance headquarters in #Paris to meet with @miss9afi! READ MORE

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