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En Route To Tunisia

A Short History of Tunisia

On this page, you will find content we have found to contain useful, revelant and interesting information: news, links, books and Twitter accounts. If you think an important resource is missing, please let us know.

Tunisia is bordered by Algeria to the west and southwest, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. Inhabited by Berber tribes, Phoenicians founded Carthage in the 9th century BC. A century later the Arab Muslim conquest occurred in the region, and the first Ottoman conquest of Tunis took place in 1534. It was later a French protectorate from 1881 until independence in 1956. Leader of the independence movement Habib Ali Bourguiba became President and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali came to power in 1987. Accused of misrule and corruption, he was ousted in 2011 during the Tunisian Revolution. In 2015 the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet won the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in building a peaceful, pluralistic political order in Tunisia. Despite the current political crisis, Tunisia is considered to be the only full democracy in the Arab World.

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Read more news on Tunisia.

News Digest Tunisia: Elections Présidentielles, Recettes Touristiques, Migrants, Décès de Ben Ali,…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Tunisia is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French. If you want to send a story idea or news tip, please use the form on this page. Chaque Lundi,...

News Digest Tunisia: Elections présidentielles, Cinéma Tunisien, Ben Ali, Pluies diluviennes,…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Tunisia is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French. If you want to send a story idea or news tip, please use the form on this page. Chaque Lundi,...

News Digest Tunisia: Elections présidentielle, Ghar El Melh, Lutte contre la déforestation, Reprise du tourisme…

Published every Monday, and updated daily through the week, our News Digest Tunisia is a selected compilation of recent stories on various topics to keep an eye on, from grassroots groups, major NGOs and international media sources around the world. Available in English and/or French. If you want to send a story idea or news tip, please use the form on this page. Chaque Lundi,...

Tunisie : Les salaires sont les plus faibles en Méditerranée (ITES)

C’est l’Institut tunisien des études stratégiques (ITES) qui l’indique. Le site Webdo rapporte les déclarations du directeur général de l’Institut, Néji Jalloul : la Tunisie compte près de 1,7 million de pauvres et près de 60% des familles tunisiennes sont surendettées. On apprend aussi que l’épargne familiale est quasiment absente puisque 50% des...

Remaniement ministériel en Tunisie : les nouveaux ministres attendent le vote de confiance

Alors que la situation politique, sociale et économique en Tunisie est particulièrement tendue avec un chômage toujours au dessus des 15% et une inflation dépassant les 7,5% malgré une légère reprise de la croissance, le chef du gouvernement Youssef Chahed a procédé lundi dernier à un remaniement ministériel attendu depuis plusieurs mois, marqué par...

More News related to Tunisia

Selected Internet resources (French and English) about Tunisia news:
